The University of Toronto is in a unique position to make a significant contribution to the archaeology of Israel—and enshrine a legacy for enduring activity and partnership. Several leading faculty members have a long record of research in both Israel and the Arab world. Michael Chazan, Director of the Archaeology Centre, Tim Harrison, Chair of the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, and Edward Banning, Chair of the Department of Anthropology, all have a consistent record of integrating Israeli researchers and students into international networks while also encouraging University of Toronto students to participate in research in Israel.
Building connections between archaeologists at the University of Toronto and those across Israel, while also strengthening relationships with institutions like the universities and the Weizmann Institute, is a high priority. These partnerships and friendships are the building blocks upon which future discoveries are launched and new knowledge and understanding are created.
Archaeological Field School
The strength of the Archaeology Centre is fieldwork. Participation in field schools, such as the Huqoq excavation , can be a life-changing experience for students. Education outside the classroom broadens learning in unforeseen ways. Students live in the classrooms and are constantly surrounded by the subject matter, which makes learning much more immediate and constant.
Field school support will advance research opportunities in Israel, affording critical funding for a field season. Your donations will provide for excavation permits, equipment, travel and lodging costs – all critical components for our students’ training and production of original research for their thesis.
Archaeologist in Residence
Building connections between archaeologists at the University of Toronto and those across Israel offers a timely and valuable opportunity.
The Archaeology Centre aims to host an Israeli archaeologist for a 2-month research residence at the University of Toronto. In 2014, Shua Kisilevitz, co-director of the Huqoq Excavations and a field archaeologist for the Israel Antiquities Authority came to Toronto. During this time, Shua was able to further her own research using the rich library resources in Toronto and connect with researchers across the Middle East. At the same time our students had a chance to get to know an emerging Israeli researcher and form lasting connections.
In addition, we look for an opportunity to send a U of T archaeologist to Israel each year for a 2-week period to attend a conference, present their own research and participate more fully in the rich archaeological activities in the Middle East.
To accomplish our goals for several projects, the Archaeology Centre is philanthropic support for the Archaeology in Israel Trust. Every gift can make a big difference to our archaeological activity in Israel.