Amélie Allard
Royal Ontario Museum;
historical archaeology, mobility and place-making, identities and communities, French and British colonialism in North America, Foodways, Zooarchaeology, Fur Trade
Adam Allentuck
University of Toronto, Department of Anthropology;
Zooarchaeology, Human-Animal Relations, Epipalaeolithic, Early Bronze Age, Southern Levant
Kharaneh Project
Laura Banducci
Carleton University, Greek and Roman Studies;
Ceramics analysis, foodways and domestic behaviours
Carolyn Barshay-Szmidt
University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology;
Old World Prehistory, radiocarbon dating and methodology, regional-scale analysis, Europe (southern France).
Amy Beresheim
Rush University, Chicago, Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology;
Skeletal and dental biology, histology, growth and development, skeletal aging and osteoporosis, social determinants of health
Iban Berganzo Besga Computational Archaeology, Machine Learning and Remote Sensing. Research: Deep Learning and Phytoliths. Twitter (X): @IbanBerganzo.
Scott Branting
University of Central Florida, Anthropology Department;
Anatolian archaeology, GIScience, cultural heritage monitoring, landscape archaeology, complex societies, urbanism
Kerkenes Project
Siobhan Boyd
Gardiner Museum, Adjunct Curator;
Ecuador/ Ireland
Jennifer Campbell
Manager, Cultural Heritage
City of Kingston; Cultural Services
Digital Media, Heritage, Architecture, Caravanserai
Pakistan, India
Kalyan Sekhar Chakraborty
McMaster University, Lab of Interdisciplinary Research on Archaeological Ceramics;
Biogenic isotopes, Ceramic Residue, GIS-Photogrammetry, Ancient ceramic usage, Indus Valley Civilization, South Asia, Ontario
Kate Cooper
Royal Ontario Museum & University of Toronto Scarborough, Classics;
Archaic Greece, Corinthian Pottery, Museum Collecting & Display, Greece
Steven Dorland
University of Toronto Mississauga, Department of Anthropology;
Anthropology of childhood, craft production, pottery production, collaborative archaeologies, experimental archaeology
Eastern North America
Paul Duffy
Kiel University;
Mortuary archaeology, social inequality and political hierarchy, Spatial and network analysis
Michaela Ecker
Kiel University;
Hunter-gatherers, fieldwork techniques, quaternary science, stable isotopes
South Africa
Kevin Fisher
University of British Columbia;
Socio-spatial analysis, Urbanism, digital and geospatial technologies in archaeology
Ciprian Florin Ardelean
Unidad Académica de Antropología of the Autonomous University of Zacatecas, Mexico;
Pleistocene archaeology, American Paleolithic, Paleoamerican cultures, paleoclimates, lithic studies, Humans in Americas during and before the Last Glacial Maximum
Julia Estève
Mahidol University, Bangkok Thailand
College of Religious Studies
Director; Yaśodharāśrama, Angkor Cambodia
Archaeology and History of Religion; Archaeology of Ritual Landscapes, Khmer Buddism, Angkorian Civilization, Paleography
Luis Manuel González La Rosa
Licenciado en Arqueologia por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; Andes, Arqueología de campo en PerúHorizonte Medio, Expansion Wari, Intermedio Temprano, Cultura Nasca, Cultura Lima, Bioarqueología, Paleopatologia, prácticas funerarias, arquitectura espacial, arqueoastronomía.
Marty Gross
Canada, Japan, United States (Marty Gross Studio) – Filmmaker, Potter, Art Teacher, Digital Archivist and Film Restoration Specialist –
Japanese Mingei pottery (Mingei Film Archive), Potters at Work, The Lovers’ Exile
University of Notre Dame, Anthropology Early Bronze Age, Eastern Mediterranean and Near East, Craft Production, Ceramic Analysis, Olive Oil, Mortuary Practices, Early Urbanism
Andrew Harris
School of Humanities, Yale-NUS College, Department of Biostatistics, National University of Singapore; Southeast Asian Archaeology, Buddhist Archaeology, Landscape Archaeology; Angkor, Cambodia; Memory Studies, GIS, Numismatics, Digital Humanities.
Alexandra Hartnett
University of Toronto Trinity College; Colonialism, consumption
Late & Post Medieval, ethnohistory
Jill Hilditch
University of Amsterdam;
Ceramics, Archaeological Science, Material Culture Studies
Courtney Hopper
University of British Columbia, Department of Anthropology; Introduction of food production, biomolecular archaeology, zooarchaeology, adaption to unpredictable Later Stone Age climates, southern Africa, Namaqualand.
Lesley Howse
Independent Consultant, Educator/Instructor; Archaeology and Heritage Practices, Settler-Colonialism, Power-Dynamics, Inuit Nunangat, Community Partnered Archaeology, Archaeological Ethics, Making Meaning of the Past Today, Zooarchaeology
Emily M. Hubbard
Geoarchaeology, human-environment interaction, social inequality, ritual contexts, micromorphology, early economic development
Levant, Israel
Erell Hubert
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Montreal;
Identity, Colonial Encounters, Andean Archaeology, and Museum Studies.
Jamie Inwood
Yale University, Department of Anthropology and Archaeology;
Biogeochemical analysis, palaeopathology of ancient disease, specifically Malaria
Quentin Letesson
Université Catholique de Louvain;
Minoan archaeology, Architectural and spatial Analysis, Contemporary archaeology
Bryn Letham
Simon Fraser University, Department of Anthropology;
Northwest Coast Archaeology, human-environment interactions, paleoenvironmental reconstructions, relative sea level change, hunter-gatherer studies, shell-bearing sites
C. McKenzie Lewis
Art and Archaeology of Italy and Rome, Latin Literature of the late Republic and early Empire, Field Archaeology in Italy Roman Social History, Ancient Economy Latin Pedagogy
Danielle Macdonald
The University of Tulsa, Department of Anthropology;
Lithic analysis, microwear analysis, surface metrology, transition from hunting-gathering to agriculture
Lisa A. Maher
University of California, Berkeley, Department of Anthropology;
Human-Environment Interactions, Hunting, Gathering, Farming Transitions
Eastern Mediterranean, Late Pleistocene
Lindi Masur McMaster University, Department of Anthropology; paleoethnobotany, environmental justice and sustainability, food sovereignty, Ontario archaeology, Andean archaeology
Dimitri Nakassis
University of Colorado Boulder; Classics/
Mycenaean archaeology, scripts of the Aegean BronzeAge, and survey methods.
Western Argolid Regional Project
Suzanne Needs-Howarth
Perca Zooarchaeological Research;
Zooarchaeology, foodways, historical ecology, landscape interaction, methods, Iroquoian, Ontario
Trevor Orchard
University of Toronto Mississauga, Anthropology; zooarchaeological method and theory; Northwest Coast and Northeastern North America; Environmental Archaeology; Historical Ecology; Collections Management
Sascha Priewe
Royal Ontario Museum;
Ancient China, archaeologies of interaction, religion and ritual, museum studies, cultural diplomacy
Sara Rhodes
Interdisciplinary Center for Archaeology and the Evolution of Human Behavior;
Zooarchaeology, Microvertebrates,
Human-environment interactions, hunter-gatherers, Old World Prehistory, South Africa, Northern Cape
Francisco Rivera
Historical archaeology of capitalism; mining and industrial archaeology; contemporary archaeology; architectural and historical material culture analysis; South Central Andes and the Atacama Desert; Quebec’s Lower North Shore. Proyecto Arqueológico Alto Cielo. Rubble & Fog.
Andrew Roddick
McMaster University, Department of Anthropology;
South American Prehistory, Ceramics, Materiality, Apprenticeship, Urbanism, Landscape Archaeology
Elizabeth Sawchuk
University of Alberta, Department of Anthropology;
Bioarchaeology, mortuary archaeology, dental anthropology, Holocene climate change
Eastern Africa, Turkana Basin
Henry P. Schwarcz FRSC, D.Sc. University Professor Emeritus. School of Earth, Environment, and Society. McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada L8S 4K1. Email:
Adam Sellen
Centro Peninsular en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (CEPHCIS), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Mesoamerican archaeology; history of collecting, archaeology, and museums; ceramic analysis and pre-Columbian fakes.
Giles Spence-Morrow
Vanderbilt University, Department of Anthropology and Data Science Institute;
Andean Archaeology, Architectural Analysis, Digital Humanities, Photogrammetry, Virtual Reality. Peru, Bolivia, Cambodia.
Vanderbilt Data Science Institute
Sally Stewart
Trent University Archaeological Research Centre, University of Toronto STG Anthropology;
Survey, Raw Material Sourcing, Lithics
Dominque Soutif
Ecole Française d’Extrême Orient
Mission; Yaśodharāśrama
Archaeology of Angkorian temple architecture, epigraphy, digital archives, history of Southeast Asian religions
Matthew Walls
University of Calgary, Department of Anthropology;
Human-Environment Relationships, Archaeology of the Mind, Archaeology of the Circumpolar North
Greenland, Czech Republic
Lynn Welton
University of Toronto STG, Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations;
Near Eastern Archaeology, the Levant and Anatolia, urbanism, Bioarchaeology, geoarchaeology, isotopic analysis, mobility and migration, Ceramic analysis, ceramic petrography
Ron Williamson
Archaeological Services Inc.;
History of Northern Iroquoians; Cultural Resource Management; First Nations Consultation
Northeastern North America
Andrew Womack
Stanford University;
Tao River Archaeology Project
Ceramic production, petrography, use-wear, geophysical survey
Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age
Alice Yao
University of Chicago, Anthropology;
Frontiers, Social change, Ethnicity and statehood
Emma Yasui
Northern Japan, Jomon Period, Starch Analysis, Ground Stone, Foodways