The Wadi Ziqlab Project is an investigation, through surveys and targeted excavations, of the late prehistory of Wadi Ziqlab, a drainage basin in northwestern Jordan, and adjacent parts of al-Kura district. Project teams have excavated Epipalaeolithic sites in both Wadi Ziqlab and Wadi Taiyyiba (in collaboration with Dr. Lisa Maher), at one Late PPNB site (Tell Rakan), at small Late Neolithic sites (Tabaqat al-Bûma, al-‘Aqaba, and al-Basatîn), at Chalcolithic sites (Tell Rakan and Tubna), and at Early Bronze I and II sites (al-Basatîn, Tell Rakan, al-‘Aqaba, and Khirbat Mahrama). The project’s main goals are to assess changes in settlement networks over these periods, with particular attention to geomorphological evidence for changing landscapes and evidence for the scale and nature of social interactions within and among communities.

Project Director:Professor Ted Banning
Department of Anthropology

Selected Publications
Banning, E. B., K. Gibbs and S. Kadowaki. 2011. Changes in ceramics and other material culture at Late Neolithic Tabaqat al-Bûma, in Wadi Ziqlab, northern Jordan. In Culture, Chronology and the Chalcolithic: Theory and Transition. Council for British Research in the Levant Monographs, (J. Lovell and Y. Rowan eds.). Oxbow, London.
Kadowaki, S., K. Gibbs, A. Allentuck, and E. B. Banning 2008. Late Neolithic settlement in Wadi Ziqlab, Jordan: al-Basatîn. Paléorient 34/1: 105-129.
Banning, E. B. 2007. Late prehistory in Wadi Ziqlab, al-Kura, Jordan: From sedentism to olive-oil factories. In Crossing Jordan — North American Contributions to the Archaeology of Jordan (t. E. Levy, P. M. M. Daviau, R. W. Younker, and M. Shaer, eds.): 219-223. Equinox.
Maher, L., M. Lohr, M. Betts, C. Parslow, and E. B. Banning 2001. The Middle Epipalaeolithic in the southern Levant: The view from Wadi Ziqlab. Paléorient 27: 5-19.
Banning, E. B., D Rahimi and J Siggers. 1994. The Late Neolithic of the southern Levant: Hiatus, settlement shift or observer bias? The perspective from Wadi Ziqlab. Paléorient 20(2): 151-64